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Rude Dates

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  • Rude Dates

    What were some of the rudest things that a date has done to you? Mine was the guy was openly flirting with our waitress during the date.

  • #2
    It was a blind date. The guy pretended that he wasn't my date when he entered the bar where we're supposed to meet. How did I know that he was my date? He told me what he would be wearing for our date.


    • Danica505
      Danica505 commented
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      I guess that you just assumed that person to be your date. There are many people in a bar. Those people wear similar colors and outfits just like what he had told you. If he was the real guy, he should have exited the bar immediately if he planned not to pursue with the date anymore.

    • TastyLove
      TastyLove commented
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      Can't believe that guy would ditch someone like you during a blind date.

  • #3
    I was a freshman in college when it this happened. We went to fast food drive-thru and parked outside the fast food place to eat our order. When I asked why we're eating here rather inside the restaurant, he tells me that he doesn't want to be seen going out with someone like me.


    • Lookingforlovin
      Lookingforlovin commented
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      What was more insulting for you? Having to eat at the parking lot or the fact that he thought that eating fastfood count as a date already?

    • CupcakeTea
      CupcakeTea commented
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      Lookingforlovin I'm guessing that being told that he doesn't want to be seen with her.

  • #4
    Originally posted by yumyum View Post
    What were some of the rudest things that a date has done to you? Mine was the guy was openly flirting with our waitress during the date.
    Since your date did that to you, then I could say that the waitress looked prettier than you were. I know how bad you had felt at that time. Well, am I right that there was no subsequent date after that one?


    • Janbaby
      Janbaby commented
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      BabyUni kinda sad that you have this type of mindset considering you're a girl too. Whatever, that boy sucks! I hope there's no more date after that

    • BabyUni
      BabyUni commented
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      That is really rude, imagine you were having a date with that guy, and he will just flirt with others? morelove

    • BabyUni
      BabyUni commented
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      That guy is dumb,lol Janbaby

  • #5
    I didn't know that he has a girlfriend when we went out. He got a phone call in the middle of our date. Right after the call, he tells me that he has to leave because his girlfriend is not mad at him already and that he's about to have some make up sex with her.


    • Kinkytime
      Kinkytime commented
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      He should have at least asked if you wanted to join them for a threesome lol.

    • Yuki23
      Yuki23 commented
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      Oh, you should have presented yourself that you were willing to be a third person on his make up sex.

    • halfSlut23
      halfSlut23 commented
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      Was he thinking of you as his rebound if his girlfriend didn't send him a message?

  • #6
    I had a date who run and dashed and made me pay for our date.


    • lovie456
      lovie456 commented
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      Kristen23 Nope, some guys are just plain dick

    • Kristen23
      Kristen23 commented
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      Then don't date them again, choose someone,lol. lovie456

    • lovie456
      lovie456 commented
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      Yeah, and I did. but most of them are the same. it's pretty lame. Kristen23

  • #7
    I've been on a blind date where the guy brought along his best friend during the date. Never felt so ignored in my life.


    • imhornyimhorny
      imhornyimhorny commented
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      So they spent the entire time talking to each other? Are they both blind and dumb?

    • PussySlay
      PussySlay commented
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      Were they talking about something that you're completely clueless in that's why you ended up being ignored?

  • #8
    Does bringing along his parents for out date count? I'm talking about our first date and he introduced me as his girlfriend.


    • HoneyConey
      HoneyConey commented
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      Did you try to play along with the charade or you corrected him and told his parents the truth?

    • Cupcakeri
      Cupcakeri commented
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      Did he tried to kiss you and was extra touch-y feel-y towards you during the date?

  • #9
    The date was at a club (which is a bad idea and location for a first date). During the first hour that we're there we're basically yelling at each other in order to get to know each other. And when I told him that I don't sleep with men on the first date, he immediately excused himself and pretended to grab a drink. A few minutes after, I saw him on the dance floor making out with another girl.


    • BigDaddy69
      BigDaddy69 commented
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      Did you tried to confront the guy or you left the club when you realized the date was over when you told him that you're not going to sleep with him that night?

    • fistingfatties
      fistingfatties commented
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      Are you sure that it was only a couple of minutes and not an hour after?

  • #10
    It was when he told me that we were just going to meet his friend but that friend was his girlfriend, and I was really ashamed because it looked like I was a slut that followed him. I was wearing a really fitted skirt because we met each other at the club.


    • BabyBabu
      BabyBabu commented
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      Yeah I did, after that happened,lol BeautifulCupful

    • BabyBabu
      BabyBabu commented
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      He really is, I even not think about that. and I told him that I hope I won't see him again. TroveLove

    • badbadboys
      badbadboys commented
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      BabyBabu Yeah I guess, and I think we can overcome the awkwardness.

  • #11
    @yumyum Did he ask you again to go on a date with him?


    • BabyUni
      BabyUni commented
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      No girl for sure would go out on a date with that guy again.

    • smoker
      smoker commented
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      If he does, I am sure that she will really refuse it. BabyUni

    • BabyUni
      BabyUni commented
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      That is for sure. and I think it's a good decision, she should date someone else. smoker

  • #12
    I think my date wanted to impress me, he was shouting at the waitress in front of me and I found it really rude. I apologized to the waitress and I told him that he is psycho, then I left my date there alone.


    • #13
      In Front of you? That is totally rude.


      • #14
        I dated a guy before and we ate in the restaurant then suddenly the waitress accidentally dropped the wrong food to our table, and guess what? He just shouts at her again and again, and that is very disturbing to the other customers. I know that is a sign to a toxic person, so I stop seeing him after that actually.


        • #15
          The guy that you're datin with is totally stupid and dumb.

