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Old and still single

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  • Old and still single

    Should you be alarmed when you are already old like 35 and you are still single? Most of your friends got married already and only few of you remained to be single and not partnered for that matter.

  • #2
    It looks alarming at first, but actually we should not be alarmed at all. There are many people who failed to know their partner in life, thus, they did not have any marriage at all.


    • AliveLivery
      AliveLivery commented
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      Those people are old and still single, they must have been enjoying their single life more and I think that's great. It shows that there's more to life than just having someone to be with for the rest of your life.

    • CupcakeTasty
      CupcakeTasty commented
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      I think it is pretty alarming but once you'd get used to it, it would mean nothing at all to you. Since I'm not in a rush to look for a partner in life, I don't think there's much for me to worry about. I mean, why?

  • #3
    It is already alarming. What if I won't be able to get pregnant naturally by that age anymore? Sure, there are medical interventions like IVF, but that would be expensive.


    • hardandrough
      hardandrough commented
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      Then you should go out there and look for a man. I will support you SimplyAlisha and I think that if you'd act quickly on your feet then you get to meet the perfect man for you.

    • halfSlut23
      halfSlut23 commented
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      SimplyAlisha if you won't be able to get pregnant anymore, why don't you try adopting a child? I think adopting a child would be better if there are no other ways for you to get naturally pregnant. Would you like to consider that option?

  • #4
    For this generation, I shouldn't be worried if I'd ever get married or not, I think it's not that important for me and I'm really happy living my single life. It does not matter to me if I'd ever end up with someone or end up being single. I'll be fine with that.


    • BearMsAlive
      BearMsAlive commented
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      Yes, in this age and day, you could grow old alone and there is no problem with that one. Many people have made that path already.

    • truelove
      truelove commented
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      YAS, girl! It is true that you shouldn't worry about getting married or not, it's your choice if you'd choose to stay single or you'd go out there and look for someone to be with. Sometimes the concept of falling in love and settling down with someone is somewhat tiring, that's why they'd choose to accept that it is okay to stay single for so long even if this would be forever. It's their choice anyway.

    • Tastyblic
      Tastyblic commented
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      There have been an increasing number of people who are threading on that direction.

  • #5
    I think it wouldn't be that much of a big deal if I'm 35 and single, why do people think that getting married to someone is the most important thing in the world? I just don't think that I'm ready to be in those kinds of commitment, and I guess there are some people out there that are like me.


    • BabeLady
      BabeLady commented
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      We should consider those people like you that do not worry about getting old and still being single. Some people aren't made to love or weren't born to get married and have kids, so it's not rare for people like you to be like that. I think they might want to stay that way until God knows when or probably forever?

    • inertia
      inertia commented
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      Yes, there are people who are like you. And in today's world, being married is not that important anymore.

    • AudreyA
      AudreyA commented
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      It is not a big deal to you as you are a man. But for women like us, they say that we have an expiration date. That is, we won't be able to get pregnant by age 65, right?

  • #6
    I have read that the ideal to get married and get pregnant is around 32, so I think that 35 is still fine. I should worry if I was already 60 and still single. Oh, wait, should I still be worried?


    • Cupcakeri
      Cupcakeri commented
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      If that is so, then it would take many years before I would get into a serious relationship for a possible marriage. Or should I get pregnant by age 31?

    • VickyMae55
      VickyMae55 commented
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      No, you should not get worried. You could still get married by age 60 and still be able to get pregnant through IVF treatments.

  • #7
    35 you say? I do not think that it is old already. If you are not concerned about having a child, then even 50 would be okay,


    • AnnieP
      AnnieP commented
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      I think 50 to get married for the first time is already late. If that is your second marriage, then that would look fine.

    • jerda201
      jerda201 commented
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      Annalyn yes you are right. But are you sure that you can last until 50? How can a gorgeous being like you would stay single that long? I'd doubt.

  • #8
    Is this have something to do about societal pressure? YES, absolutely, but it is your choice if you think that you should follow an ideal time frame as to what age your planning to settle in with someone. As for me, I am not bothered at all, I still have time even when I've reached my 30s or so on, I'm okay if I might end up being single for the rest of my life, I won't be bothered by that at all.


    • fistingfatties
      fistingfatties commented
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      But if you'd be single for the rest of your life then you won't have a family of your own? What a sad life you wish to have. But do not speak too soon, because you will soon meet the man of your life and you'd be surprised.

  • #9
    I won't be alarmed because I really believe that the right person for me will come in the right time. I just need to wait for him. Besides 35 is not yet that old!


    • Danica505
      Danica505 commented
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      Would you still believe that if you are already in your 40s yet you are still single? I bet not. I suggest that you should be alarmed if you reached 30 and you still haven't found someone to marry.

  • #10
    There is no need for me to be alarmed because it is not as if I am rushing to get married. I think that being single at 35 is normal especially for those who are not prioritizing marriage at the moment.


    • CuddlyPac
      CuddlyPac commented
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      You are saying that because you are still young. But through the perspective of those who are already near their 30s, they are starting to doubt that they will ever find someone who they can spend the rest of their lives with. So yeah, I do think that being single at 35 is already alarming.

  • #11
    I do think that it is kinda alarming. If I am already 35 and I still don't have a special someone, I might do anything to have one. I don't want to grow old alone, that's why.


    • MoiraMcTagarrt
      MoiraMcTagarrt commented
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      I would be alarmed if I'm 30 and I'm still fucking single as fuck. I'm not kidding, I think at this age I should be married to a lovely man having his wonderful kids and we'd go places together and be happy. Now I know why I'm not that happy. There's something missing in my life.

    • Airexadre
      Airexadre commented
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      BigDaddy69 If I can't find one, maybe I will hook up to someone without using any condoms or birth control. I a m sure I will get pregnant in that way.

    • Airexadre
      Airexadre commented
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      You better start finding one to be the love of your life. MoiraMcTagarrt

  • #12
    When I think about it, yes that is already alarming. Because I have heard that the people who are still single even though they are already in their 30s are perceive to only have a small chance of getting married (especially for women).


    • BabyBabu
      BabyBabu commented
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      True. That's because men tend to like younger women. So I suggest that if you are already nearing your 30s, you better flirt around much already. In that way, you'll be able to catch someone who can be with you.

  • #13
    I wouldn't be alarmed because I know that being in a relationship is not some sort of a race. It's not as if the one who will be married last is the loser. I also think that being single at 35 is still considered to be normal.

