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Learned It From My Folks

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  • Learned It From My Folks

    What are some of the things that you've learned when it comes to relationships from your parents? Mine is staying in a relationship for the sake of the kids is a terrible idea.

  • #2
    That you shouldn't compromise your own happiness for the sake of the person that you love.


    • Lucricia17
      Lucricia17 commented
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      Did you really apply what you learned from them in your relationships?

    • Danica505
      Danica505 commented
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      I'm guessing that you've been in relationships where you sacrificed your own happiness just because you love the person?

  • #3
    Money is important in building the family's future but it must not be a reason to end a great relationship in the family.


    • BabeLady
      BabeLady commented
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      Some families are being broken because of financial status so you must always put that teaching in your life.

    • HoneySpyder
      HoneySpyder commented
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      bemine Yep don't believe that you won't encounter any problem if you got money.

    • bemine
      bemine commented
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      bemine Yeah I know right! That's why I wonder why there are people who think like that.

  • #4
    My parents taught me to appreciate every good thing that is happening around me. Even if what you got is just a small thing, you should still appreciate it.


    • sexyme1
      sexyme1 commented
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      Were you the type who's not that appreciative of all the blessings that you've been receiving?

    • truelove
      truelove commented
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      I always hear it even with my aunt to always appreciate the small things.

  • #5
    Arguing is totally normal. You just need to handle the situation properly if you arguing with someone.


    • Shane77
      Shane77 commented
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      Learning to handle it properly can help so that the arguing would not get bigger.

    • Janbaby
      Janbaby commented
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      Do you think that you've always been a good in handling problems with your girlfriend?

  • #6
    Originally posted by jerda201 View Post
    Arguing is totally normal. You just need to handle the situation properly if you arguing with someone.
    And you have to make sure that the two of you are already okay before you go to sleep?


    • holleroutyo
      holleroutyo commented
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      Sounds like you're not sure with your answer on this one lol.

  • #7
    That having separate closets and sinks are important especially if one of you has OCD.


    • BeautifulCupful
      BeautifulCupful commented
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      My mom also tells me that every time my room looks like a mess. lol

    • imhornyimhorny
      imhornyimhorny commented
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      Is this your way of telling us that you have ocd? lol

  • #8
    Cheating can happen to anyone. So I guess we would never be sure if anyone is really loyal and honest to us.


    • CupcakeComments
      CupcakeComments commented
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      I guess that is why some men really can't resist cheating!

    • BugAlive
      BugAlive commented
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      CupcakeComments actually guys aren't the only ones who are often guilty when it comes to cheating. There are wives out there who have cheated on their husbands countless of times.

    • AudreyA
      AudreyA commented
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      It's good that your parents imposed that it will happen to anyone so you're not exempted.

  • #9
    That sometimes your soulmate is not the person that you were meant to spend your life with.


    • virgingirl
      virgingirl commented
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      I'm thinking that you don't believe in fate as well.

    • smoker
      smoker commented
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      virgingirl I think that would make her not believe in that as well.

    • virgingirl
      virgingirl commented
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      @moker Yeah I think so.

  • #10
    Be wise and use your brain in thinking. My dad always tells me that whenever I am introducing someone new to him.


    • AnnieP
      AnnieP commented
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      Do you follow what your dad tells you to do? I doubt that you are always doing it.

    • Vichie
      Vichie commented
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      It is hard to be wise when you are putting your heart on the first move.

    • merrygoround
      merrygoround commented
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      Vichie I guess you are describing yourself with that comment.

  • #11
    Originally posted by Kinkytime;n31037What are some of the things that you've learned when it comes to relationships from your parents? Mine is st
    aying in a relationship for the sake of the kids is a terrible idea.
    I don't think it's a terrible idea. What's really terrible is getting yourself pregnant with a guy you don't love.


    • pleaserloser
      pleaserloser commented
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      Talk about being punch on the throat, I hope that you also didn't do something terrible like being pregnant with a guy you don't love.

  • #12
    "Guys with large dicks are always good in sex" I hear those words from my mom whenever she is drinking wine.


    • StrongAsZeus
      StrongAsZeus commented
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      Do you just base it on how large it is? How about the performance?

    • SimplyAlisha
      SimplyAlisha commented
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      Have you actually asked your mom if she enjoyed doing it with your dad?

    • bubblebutt6969
      bubblebutt6969 commented
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      @StrongAsZues I really prefer performance but it's even better if he got a large one. SimplyAlisha I didn't ask because it's inappropriate to ask those kinds of things.

  • #13
    That the concept of soulmates is a complete lie. Which made me think that either my parents don't believe that they're each other's soulmates or they just didn't believe in it.


    • ablasta
      ablasta commented
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      I think of your relationship are terrible that's why you think of it as a lie which is lol.

  • #14
    That the two of you should go out on dates and pretend that the two of you were just a new couple.


    • BearMsAlive
      BearMsAlive commented
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      I think you're both not following it because it sounds stupid sometimes.

  • #15
    If the two of you often have a full schedule, The two of you should include sex in your respective schedules.


    • Airbind
      Airbind commented
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      My parents would never speak to me about sex and have you include having sex in your schedule as well?