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Is It Really Important?

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  • Is It Really Important?

    Has any of you been at the stage where you question whether being in a relationship is important? Like do we really need to have a partner to be with to spend your life with?

  • #2
    I feel that people who were born starting from the 80's don't think that settling down or being married is that important


    • MoiraMcTagarrt
      MoiraMcTagarrt commented
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      I don't think so, most people still think that marriage is important.

  • #3
    I've never reached that stage yet, but I feel that there are some who just think that relationships are overrated that's why they feel they don't need to be in one


    • BearMsAlive
      BearMsAlive commented
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      I don't think that relationship will ever be overrated.

  • #4
    For me, it's being content with what you have right now. I'm happy that I don't have anyone at the moment, but if it can be better if I have someone special


    • smartass
      smartass commented
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      Yeah, being content with what you have will make you happy.

    • TastyLove
      TastyLove commented
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      smartass Contentment is a virtue. It is one of the virtues that only few people have.

  • #5
    Are you being asked when you're going to settle down that's why you're asking us this question?


    • MasQue
      MasQue commented
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      Maybe because I think she was trying to get our views to help her decide.

  • #6
    Yeah, I am actually questioning myself right now if it's a good idea for me to be in a relationship since all of it did not work out in the past.


    • Live2Hunt
      Live2Hunt commented
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      Why are you having doubts whether it's a good idea or not?

  • #7
    I'm okay with a relationship but getting married, nah.


    • J3nnyTalia
      J3nnyTalia commented
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      So you're not a fan of marriage? Is that what you're trying to tell us?

  • #8
    In the end, we're still animals that will eventually require mating because that how nature works.


    • CupcakeComments
      CupcakeComments commented
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      I think that you're generalizing the mating thing. There are some who eventual end up being asexual so they don't think mating is important

  • #9
    No, not in that stage yet since I am enjoying my life without commitment.


    • Carlosa34
      Carlosa34 commented
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      But do you think that you would really reach that stage in your life or not?

    • morelove
      morelove commented
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      Carlosa34 I would love to reach that stage when I get older. Years from now, I would be able to get married, settle down and have a loving family. Those are the regular ways of life, right?

  • #10
    At the moment I do not think like that but I know that relationship an marriage is important.


    • BigDaddy69
      BigDaddy69 commented
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      Why do think that marriage is important?

  • #11
    I think the only ones who think whether it's important or not are the ones who've gotten tired of being in one or have problems finding one


    • PieFlavor
      PieFlavor commented
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      What's wrong with justifying the reason as to why they're single?

    • PussySlay
      PussySlay commented
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      PieFlavor There is nothing wrong with that, I am just stating my opinion on the subject.

  • #12
    Never felt that it is really important and don't see that being with a guy is a requirement in being happy and fulfilled in life


    • #13
      I've always questioned it since I had friends who were a bit older than me and they would often complain about their partners when we hung out. That made me think that relationships are not for everyone


      • #14
        Of course it would always be nice to have someone with your life. I would like to have that someone stick with me for a long time. It is like a fairy tale love story or something like that.

