Super random, but does anyone here golf? I need some quick golf advice! I stupidly agreed to go to a golf course this weekend for a date. I thought we would just be hanging out at the club and having lunch but we're actually golfing. ACTUALLY golfing. I didn't want to say I had never golfed before because I guess I act like someone who can golf who knows but now I need some pointers. Can anyone help a gal out?
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Kinda random, but is anyone here a golfer?
Well honestly, I would just tell the guy that you haven't ever played before. It's totally okay. Golf is one of those sports that very few people end up playing "for fun" as young people, aside from mini putt. AKA it's a rich people sport, through and through. Maybe if you tell him he'll offer to give you some lessons. Good excuse to cozy up.Also I bet you would look adorable in a little golf outfit.
Hit the ball thing with the club thing! In the direction of the hole! I've also never golfed before, as you can probabl tell. If it were mini putt I would say just go and wing it who cares. But usually golf courses are pretty vast and hitting the ball poorly could put you dozens of yards from the hole. I think sticking to the club house for lunch sounds like the best bet!
Good news! So I fessed up and said I had never golfed before and he said he assumed so! He also said he was surprised I went along with the invitation so easily and didn't try to back out. So I guess hoorah for being polite or too chicken to say no? Who even knows. But he said it'll just be the two of us and no one else and he'll teach me some moves and even let me drive the golf cart. AND I'm gonna get myself a cute little golf hat. Win win, really.