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You're Driving Me Insane

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  • You're Driving Me Insane

    To those who has an experience when it comes to having roommates. What are some of the strangest things that your roommate has done? Mine was overhearing my roommate arguing with himself in the middle of the night.

  • #2
    I guess it was this roommate who would grab a pint of ice cream whenever she's going to take a dump.


    • sexyme1
      sexyme1 commented
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      Was she able to finish that pint before she goes out or she puts it back in the freezer?

    • virgingirl
      virgingirl commented
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      Did she grab it and eat it on the toilet? lol! So that she has an excuse that she had been in the toilet.

  • #3
    Having sex with his boyfriend while I am in the room really sucks.


    • HoneySpyder
      HoneySpyder commented
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      BeautifulCupful I was pretending to be asleep and they thought I was and it's hard to wake up.

    • AirParis
      AirParis commented
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      Is there moaning loud?

    • Jaime12
      Jaime12 commented
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      I already experience that, we are so drunk that night but I still remember what happeneds, lol they are fucking inside to our room! HoneySpyder

  • #4
    Since me and my roommate before has access to only one comfort room, I always wake up early to be the first one to use the comfort room because my roommate uses the shower for more than 1 hour and it is really annoying.


    • morelove
      morelove commented
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      What does your roommate do there? Is she constipated that's why she's there for almost an hour?

  • #5
    My roommate before really doesn't know how to knock! He just immediately open the door like he is the only one who owns the room.


    • Lookingforlovin
      Lookingforlovin commented
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      And how many times have he caught you having sex or jacking off? LMAO

    • Lucricia17
      Lucricia17 commented
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      You must learn how to properly lock your room so he could knock my friend.

  • #6
    I once had a roommate who sleepwalks. I woke up one evening and saw her standing at the edge of my bed which made me scream my head off. Took a pic of her that night before I walked her back to her bed. She was really apologetic when I let her see the pic when we woke up the next day.


    • CupcakeComments
      CupcakeComments commented
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      That is really scary. If it happens to me I might punch her when I see her at night like that.

    • Janbaby
      Janbaby commented
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      Did you end up tying her up so that she wouldn't go walking all over your place?

    • holleroutyo
      holleroutyo commented
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      Janbaby No, why would I do that? It's pretty scary that you will think of her grabbing a knife then stabbing you.

  • #7
    I had a gay roommate before and I really hate because whenever he goes to parties or at the bar, he uses my clothes so that he would look like a sexy gay.


    • bemine
      bemine commented
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      playagame Actually he offered that to me, but I refuse because he is my friend.

    • playagame
      playagame commented
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      You are such a good friend to him then. bemine

    • bemine
      bemine commented
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      I am always good to everyone, and I can be horny to anyone too. playagame

  • #8
    It was when I had a roommate who had a boyfriend who would walk around naked every time that he spends the night with her.


    • merrygoround
      merrygoround commented
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      It sounds like the guy is showing his attention to you. lol

    • 1xz9
      1xz9 commented
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      Cupcakesi It was annoying at first but well.. he has a great build so.. lol

    • 1xz9
      1xz9 commented
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      merrygoround we'll no problem! I appreciate attentions pretty well lol

  • #9
    I had a roommate who would watch gay porn (man to man) in full volume every time that she's going to masturbate in her room. And she would often do that in the middle of the night.


    • BugAlive
      BugAlive commented
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      I would automatically kick her out if she was ever my roommate. Just hope that she doesn't moan loud while she was playing with herself.

  • #10
    My roommate before snores really loud that I can't sleep properly that is why I only stayed with her for a month.


    • Vichie
      Vichie commented
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      I also had a roommate like that and I was the one paying big in the room that is why I kicked her out.

  • #11
    Nothing really just a bunch of guys going in her room and I don't find it weird. I don't mind what they're doing but one guy has a bong and that pretty much explains it.


  • #12
    Mine was pretty normal because my roommate loves to play with his instrument. He often masturbates and you could see his trash is overflowing with sticky tissues and I don't want to touch his computer even if I want to use it.


    • hardandrough
      hardandrough commented
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      That's pretty disgusting but normal at the same time. You should have encouraged your roommate to get a girl.

    • AnneCubix
      AnneCubix commented
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      You don't have your own computer while you were living with him that's why you're thinking of borrowing it?

    • StrongAsZeus
      StrongAsZeus commented
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      AnneCubix I didn't have one before so I'm hoping I could use it and also thinking of checking his histories.

  • #13
    I had this roommate that loves fixing things and whenever I leave the room, she fixes my things. That would be a good thing for others but for me no! Sometimes I cannot find my stuff because it is too organized.


    • VickyMae55
      VickyMae55 commented
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      Did you not tell her to avoid fixing your things?

    • SimplyAlisha
      SimplyAlisha commented
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      I think you should have made sure that all of your things were inside your room so that she can't place them somewhere else.

    • bubblebutt6969
      bubblebutt6969 commented
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      You should be thankful and I think your roommate might be a maid or it's just her habit.

  • #14
    She's baking penis-shaped baguettes and then she will give it away and what's funny and kinda disgusting is when you eat it there's a white sauce on top which made you think that it's cum but it's delicious and it's super sweet but it's very weird eating it. Here's a sample of it.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	ubet.jpg
Views:	426
Size:	41.4 KB
ID:	31239


    • AudreyA
      AudreyA commented
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      I wonder if there is bread or food that looks like penis. Danica505

    • Danica505
      Danica505 commented
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      AudreyA Of course there is. even cake. I've seen one before.

    • AudreyA
      AudreyA commented
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      I really? I think it's okay if you want to customize the order,lol. I will do that next time. Danica505

  • #15
    My roommate would drink ranch dressing straight from the bottle. I lived with her for two years and she went through dozens of bottles of ranch. Our dorm room would usually smell like ranch because of it.


    • smartass
      smartass commented
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      I feel that she would end up being morbidly obese if she didn't stop having ranch dressing.

    • BearMsAlive
      BearMsAlive commented
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      It's pretty disgusting and wants to throw it away from the fridge if I was one of her roommates.

    • XtineA
      XtineA commented
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      BearMsAlive I know right! but I understand her, I know that she is problematic.