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  • Touchy-touchy

    When you're already in heat and you're with someone alone, do you prefer being touched first? Or would you touch them first?

  • #2
    They say, 'ladies first', so there's my chance to get to touch them first. You know, just so that they would know that I'm really down for more than just touching. If you know what I mean.


    • AliveLivery
      AliveLivery commented
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      What would you do next if after touching him, and then he refused to have sex with you as he is not in the mood to do something?

    • BabyUni
      BabyUni commented
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      AliveLivery we can at least do something else, what? It's not like sex is the only thing that I can offer to him, right?

  • #3
    They are the men, so they must make the first move. No matter what happens, I won't touch them first.


    • Aglowwo
      Aglowwo commented
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      "No matter what happens, I won't touch them first". Are you sure about that? What if you couldn't resist yourself of touching his bulging huge cock? You must be prude to not follow your inner desire, lol!

    • badbadboys
      badbadboys commented
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      Are you sure that you don't want to touch them first HugKenji? Well, okay then, maybe they're just waiting for you to touch them first, don't you think? Lol!

  • #4
    No touch but I could do the seductions first. He should be able to read both the eye contacts and the body language.


    • smartass
      smartass commented
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      And what would you do if he does not react with anything that you did?

    • longneck
      longneck commented
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      If you do that, there is no guarantee that he'll be able to get what you want to happen for the both of you. I suggest that you do a more explicit move.

  • #5
    When I'm drunk and in heat, yes, I'm more touchy-touchy to their no-no parts, LMAO! What can I say? I'm a wild woman, so I'd usually touch them first even if they don't want it.


    • hitthesack
      hitthesack commented
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      Whoa, I think those men know that you're drunk and that's why some of them do not like it when you touch them inappropriately. Maybe they're still resisting the temptations that you're leading them on to.

    • PussySlay
      PussySlay commented
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      What? Okay, you are so liberal, then. There is no inhibition when someone is drunk, so what you do is understandable. But, what about when you are sober? Do you still touch the no-no parts?

  • #6
    I prefer to be touched first. I want to know what they can do before we actually have sex. Lol!


    • MasQue
      MasQue commented
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      So if you are not satisfied by the way that your partner touched you, having sex is already out of the equation? If you say yes, then we're the same. I don't want to have sex with someone who doesn't even know how and what to touch during intimate sessions.

    • TeaBroadway
      TeaBroadway commented
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      I agree! You need to know what you are getting yourself into, right? If I'm not contented with his touching, I think I'll leave when he tries to have sex with me already.

  • #7
    I do like to be the one to touch him first. That's because I want guys to be satisfied by me. I am a giver, by the way.


    • Annalyn
      Annalyn commented
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      That's what I'll do too. I'll touch him in parts of his body that are longing to be touched and I'll make him feel the heat from my hands.

    • Yuki23
      Yuki23 commented
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      I suppose I should touch a man too, which is like giving him the consent to touch me back and see where this leads us too. Obviously, it will lead us to sex.

  • #8
    I like to be touched first so that I become aware of the degree of naughtiness that I should display. If my partner has some sweet and soft movements towards me, then that's what I'll do to him as well. But if he's wild and rough, I'll match with that kind of energy.


    • virgingirl
      virgingirl commented
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      Same thoughts girl, I like to be touched first as well! Equal desire and intensity should be displayed by both partners so that it would be fair and that no one is on the disadvantaged side.

    • AnneCubix
      AnneCubix commented
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      What if you won't like how he touched you? Would you still be willing to have sex with him? Or would you immediately leave?

  • #9
    I could touch him like that and when he responds positively, then all my aggressiveness would be released. He should better get ready, and he might not be able to handle my horniness.


    • rockmybedpls
      rockmybedpls commented
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      I would do some seductive touches. Slight touches on his body but not an outright moves where I would be aggressive.

    • BigDaddy69
      BigDaddy69 commented
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      I think he likes being touched, yes, I admit, us guys we like being touched it's like giving us the permission to go all the way. It's giving us the right to touch you back even in the most naughtiest ways.

  • #10
    I am not the type of woman who makes the first move so I guess I will just wait for the guy to touch me first. Also, through his touch, I will know if he wants to have sex or maybe to just be flirty and naughty.


    • imhornyimhorny
      imhornyimhorny commented
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      True. You might be touching him and expecting to have sex with him, but he has other things on his mind. You would just be annoyed and dismayed at the same time if that happens.

    • VanVan01
      VanVan01 commented
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      Well, you can tell that he's being naughty around you but if his touch might mean something like grabbing and with a heat or tension, you know for sure that you're going to be dicked down, for sure.

  • #11
    Well, it depends on who that someone is. Is he my boyfriend? If yes, then I could make the first move. If that person is other than my boyfriend, how could I make the first touch?


    • XperiencedVirgin
      XperiencedVirgin commented
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      Airexadre I suggest that if that man is not your boyfriend, then you should keep eye contact with him and your hands will playfully touch his, then soon his hand will direct you to his crotch so you can feel that he wants you already, like, so bad!

    • Airexadre
      Airexadre commented
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      I should flirt with him and be touchy is't it? holleroutyo

    • Airexadre
      Airexadre commented
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      should give him a hand job if he will take my hand to his crotch. XperiencedVirgin