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They Should End It Already

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  • They Should End It Already

    Which tv shows do you think needs to end already? Mine are Grey's Anatomy and The Simpsons

  • #2
    The Simpsons is definitely one of them since the show is older than me. You can also include South Park and Family Guy


    • Yummykorn
      Yummykorn commented
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      I would like to end those shows for a different reason. For me, I would really like to preserve their good writing before people with baseless sensitivity ruins them completely.

    • ablasta
      ablasta commented
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      I do not want to end The Simpsons. I like their voices, actually. Of course, the story lines are also amusing.

    • Cupcakesi
      Cupcakesi commented
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      ablasta you know that they would eventually need to replace some of the voice actors if they plan to continue on doing it, right?

  • #3
    Well, The Big Bang Theory just ended and I think Supernatural will start its last season this year so it would be Grey's Anatomy as well for me.


    • BabeLady
      BabeLady commented
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      I grew up with Supernatural. But the part where the Leviathans are the thing really is not my thing. I don't understand it one bit.

    • J3nnyTalia
      J3nnyTalia commented
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      Big Bang Theory is a travesty. It started fine until it became just a bunch of friends insulting each other.

    • CupcakeTasty
      CupcakeTasty commented
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      Guess that you're happy that you're happy that the Big Bang Theory is finished and Supernatural is about to be over

  • #4
    I'm thinking of Vikings. Greatest show for me until Ragnar died.


    • holleroutyo
      holleroutyo commented
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      Vikings ended when Ragnar died. The recent seasons just don't work for me.

    • TastyLove
      TastyLove commented
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      Someone needs to die in order for others to begin.

    • Kinkytime
      Kinkytime commented
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      TastyLove to begin what? Vikings for me was at least 80% Ragnar.

  • #5
    Some TV shows the best when they know when they should end. We can all learn few things from the last and worst season of Scrubs.


    • halfSlut23
      halfSlut23 commented
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      What last season? Scrubs? No. That despicable season don't exist.

    • fistingfatties
      fistingfatties commented
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      Do you think that the last season of Game Of Thrones is another one of those?

  • #6
    I like to watch Grey's Anatomy so I think they should continue to make more episodes on it.


    • halfSlut23
      halfSlut23 commented
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      Oh yeah. There still people who watch this other than making it just a background noise at home.

    • 1xz9
      1xz9 commented
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      I would like them to continue the show, too. It is informative, right?

    • PussySlay
      PussySlay commented
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      1xz9 Yeah, it is informative. There are new things to learn for each show. I just enjoy it.

  • #7
    Grey's Anatomy. Maybe they should call it quits once Ellen Pompeo decides stop playing Meredith Grey. But I think she's still enjoying playing the character


    • morelove
      morelove commented
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      I think all the actors there are doing just fine. They are all good in portraying their characters.

    • AirFeline
      AirFeline commented
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      morelove I think the reason why she wants the show to end already is because the actors in the show are mostly new ones already

  • #8
    I think that a TV show should not last for more than 4 years no matter how great it is. Sure, people would be liking it more and would continue to watch it but they should not make a show be aired for so long. They need to stop and create a new show.


    • TeaBroadway
      TeaBroadway commented
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      When it comes to the new shows that you're talking about, does it need to be a spin off of the previous show or a completely new one?

    • TroveLove
      TroveLove commented
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      I feel that four years is a short time for a television series. Maybe around 7 seasons would be enough whether it would be a 22 episode per season series or just a 10 episode one